International Women’s Day always gets me to reflect on the world that my teenage children are entering.

Is my daughter going to get the same opportunities as my son? Will she be paid fairly? Can she be who she wants to be? Is she going to be stereotyped….

Whilst I don’t know the answer to these questions, I do know that they have some amazing role models in her family, many of whom have broken the traditional gender stereotypes.

One of her Grannies is a highly successful GP. When she graduated from Medical School 50 years ago, about 10% of the graduates were females. My mum’s knowledge, skills, and ability helped pave the way for future generations of medical professionals. 

Her other Granny is a pharmacist and was one of the few female graduates in her year. She then went on to build a thriving business that was a pillar of the local community.

Her aunts are a schoolteacher, a global leader within the Energy industry, and a pediatrician.

Her mum is IT Consultant, tech wizard, and an all-round legend

All these very special people have demonstrated success in whatever they have chosen to do irrespective of their gender, they have broken traditional stereotypes and shown my children that anything is possible.

Whilst no one knows what goes on inside a teenage brain, I hope that my daughter feels confident that the world is her oyster and that she can do whatever she wants.

Thanks to all the amazing women who have shaped and enriched the lives around me and given my daughter the belief she can be who she wants to be.

Thank you.

Nick Bacon​