Value-Added Services
At Charterhouse, we have unique access to a range of industry sectors, clients and candidates on a daily basis, enabling us to offer a comprehensive range of additional services to businesses. We can also provide customised services to meet the needs of individual organisations.
Client advisory forums: We host regular forums, which provide our clients with a wealth of knowledge about current issues and future trends within the industry.
Sector insights: We provide our clients with information about sector-specific trends and movements that are of interest, or that may impact future sourcing assignments. We also facilitate regular networking events, providing clients with an opportunity to network with peers and engage with professional disruptors in their space.
Internal talent assessment: We benchmark internal candidates against assessment criteria to assist our clients in making objective, fair and high quality staffing decisions.
Onsite HR and hiring manager recruitment process training: Our expert consultants are available to provide hiring managers with comprehensive interview technique and recruitment process training.
Long-range pipeline management: We provide long-range candidate sourcing to ensure a pipeline of talent for future business needs.
Skills testing: We conduct relevant skills testing on all candidates prior to presenting them to our clients.
Specialist research: We harness our research capability to support client decision making.